Contact: Full 8 Sports
Stanfordville, NY; March 17, 2020: As is everyone else, Full 8 Sports is closely monitoring the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. We are currently at a point where all we can do is hurry up and wait. The race season here in the northeast is generally set to kickoff the second weekend in April, while we await word if that will be allowed to happen, take the time to perfect your race notes, and get those cars race ready! When this season does get underway it should be one of the fiercest competitions right out of the gate we have ever seen.
Following WHO, CDC, and local health officials recommendations will get us all to the race track quicker! If you have been asked to work from home, please stay home! If your work does not allow you to stay home, avoid public gatherings, and take basic precautions:
• Wash your hands (for at least 20 seconds)
• Do not touch your face (including eye, nose, and mouth)
• Stay home if you are sick
• Cover your cough or sneeze in a tissue (then dispose of it in the garbage)
Please remember that while many will not suffer from serious illness even if you are exposed to the virus, older people and those with underlying health issues are facing a worse prognosis. Please ensure you are protecting the people around you; if you have symptoms, stay home and as isolated as possible!
We are in unchartered territory, but as one of the biggest fan bases in sports, we have the ability to make a difference. For more information please check the CDC’s website and your local government’s website for specific dos and don’ts!
Stay safe and healthy!