Sponsorship Soup
When on your vehicle, Marketing Partners should be clear and easy to read and find! The 98JR did a great job ensuring their sponsors were not lost in the mix!
Sponsorship Soup
Too much of a good thing, can be a bad thing. This holds true with sponsorships as well. Having too many sponsors dilutes the valuation of your overall racing program. The more logos you start adding to your vehicle, the easier it is to get lost in the visual. Your car becomes a game of “Where’s Waldo?” which is a turn off for viewers.
Having too many sponsors also makes it more difficult to develop relationships with your partners. It is crucial to develop and maintain solid, individualized relationships. Sponsorships are not a one-way street, but more on that at a later date!
Too many sponsors can also lead to conflicts of interest. Most companies frown upon you representing a competitor and there is no way to avoid that if you just keep adding names to your list. Everyone wants to feel special; marketing partners are no different.